
To view the Blackdown Education Partnership policies that cover all schools within the trust please visit: https://www.bep.ac/policies

Some legacy The Castle Partnership Trust  policies can be found below.  These remain relevant for IKB and will be reviewed and replaced in due course.

Accessibility Policy                                   Admissions Policy

Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco Education

Anti-bullying Policy                                    Anti-fraud and Corruption Policy        

Asthma and Inhalers in School Policy     Attendance Policy 

Charging and Remissions Policy 

Children Looked After Policy                    

Children with Health Needs Who Cannot Attend School

CCTV Usage                                                Drugs Incident

Educational Visits Policy                            Environmental Sustainability Strategy         

Epipen Statement                                     Fire Safety 

ICO Model Publication Scheme

Information Publication Scheme

Information Security                                    Intimate Care Policy   

Managing Unreasonable Behaviour of those Raising Concerns or Complaints      

Online Safety Policy          

Positive Behaviour Policy                           PSHE Policy   

Pupil Premium Policy                                  Pupil Acceptable Computer & Internet Use

Raising Concerns at Work (Whistleblowing)

Recruitment and Vetting Policy                  Remote Teaching and Learning    

Restrictive Physical Intervention Policy     Safeguarding Policy 

IKB Safeguarding Appendix                       Safe Sleep Policy  

SEND Policy                                              

School Food Policy and Guidelines

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural and British Values Development Policy

Student and Parents Privacy Notice          Supervision Policy 

Supporting Students with Medical Conditions Medication Policy

Transgender Students

Visitors to the Trust Policy