Safeguarding Our Pupils

Our safeguarding team comprises of Andrew Wootton as designated safeguarding lead (DSL) and Laura White and Claire Marney as deputy safeguarding leads. Any safeguarding concerns are reported to us and we will investigate and take action if necessary.

When a concern is raised we will talk to the child in the first instance using the ‘Tell, Explain and Describe’ process. We will contact parents as appropriate.

We work closely with many different outside agencies, such as First Response and Early Help, who can offer support to families. In some situations we will need to inform parents of our requirements to involve these agencies. First Response is operated by qualified social workers who are able to discuss any concerns and offer advice and initiate follow-up if necessary. We also liaise with Somerset council and Somerset Safeguarding Board.

Responsibilities within the safeguarding team:

  • Prevent
  • Online Safety
  • Equality, diversity and inclusion
  • Female Genital Mutilation
  • Child Sexual Exploitation
  • Mental Health
  • Children Missing in Education
  • Young Carers

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

IKB Safeguarding Appendix